Rules, Regulations & Policies
These rules, regulations, and policies are for the protection and benefit of patrons to provide safe and sanitary operation. Members and their guests shall observe them at all times. Non-compliance may result in suspension of pool privileges from one to seven days or a revocation of privileges or membership without a dues refund. Members shall inform their
children and guests of these rules and caution them to observe all rules and comply with the instructions of the management and staff. North Harford Swim Club, Inc. is hereafter referred to as NHSC. In the application of these rules, "Member" shall include, but notlimited to, persons who have supervisory responsibility for accompanying children such as a Parent, Guardian, Custodian, Babysitter, Relative, or Friend.
The Board of Directors extends their thanks in advance for your understanding, cooperation, and compliance of pool rules.

1. Persons using the pool do so at their own risk. NHSC is not responsible for any accident, injury or illness in connection with such use. Supervision of children is the responsibility of members, NOT lifeguards.
2. Members are responsible to ensure that their children do not enter water deeper than their swimming ability classification permits.
3. Diving is hazardous and may result in permanent physical injury or death. Do so at your own risk. Backward direction dives and gainers are prohibited. Member supervision of their children and/or guests is required while diving.
4. Any child using any part of the playground area at NHSC must be supervised by a responsible adult at all times.

1. Except for scheduled activities, patrons will not be admitted prior to opening time.
2. Generally, Sunday – Saturday from 12:00 PM to 9:00 PM, however hours are posted at the office and may vary according to the weather. The management may extend evening hours for specific activities or for unusually hot weather. Refer to pool bulletin board for specific daily posted hours. Should sports activities be scheduled for extended hours, the pool will still close at normal time. Hours may be different while HCPS schools are in session. Revised schedules will be posted in advance and are based on staff availability.
3. Opening and closing times will change for inclement weather, at management discretion. Generally, the pool will not reopen after weather related closing unless two hours of reasonable swimming weather remains.
4. On days of planned social activities and home swim team meets, the pool hours may be altered.
5. A portion of the pool may be reserved for swim team practice, or instructional purposes as posted.
6. The pool may be closed if necessary for maintenance.

1. All dues/assessment fees must be paid in full before using the facility unless some other payment plan has been approved, in writing, by the NHSC Board of Directors.
2. Photo identification will be required to be on file for each membership. Entry is not permitted without a photo on file at the club and an active status membership. Any membership status issue cannot be handled by entrance staff and must be addressed with the Membership Director.
3. Transfer of membership is not allowed.
4. Members are financially responsible for property damage caused by themselves, children, or their guests.

Family Membership
1. Family memberships are available to (2) two adults (ages 18 and over) residing in the same household and their dependents, ages 21 and younger.
Dependents include:
a) your natural children
b) your step children
c) your adopted children
d) all children to whom you are legal guardian and can show proof
2. Anyone not qualifying under the above guidelines may be brought as a guest of paid member for an additional fee, ONLY when a primary account member is present, and are limited to five (5) visits.

1. Any individual non-family guest will be admitted only five (5) times per season. Guests may only be admitted with a Primary Account holder in attendance.
2. The sponsoring member is responsible for the conduct of their guests, shall advise guests of pool regulations, and shall accompany their guests. Guests age 15 and under must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Guest fees are published in the office and website and can be purchased via your Member Splash account.. Guests who are 2 years of age or younger will be admitted free of charge. A single guest privilege will admit either a single guest or a single family at one time (i.e. only one guest privilege is used for a family guest). Each member family receives 20 guest privileges. Senior-citizen (age 60+) family relatives, such as grandparents, who are visiting with their family and who will not be swimming, will be admitted as a courtesy without guest fee or guest limitation.
3. Guests of board members are admitted without fee and are not limited.
4. Any member who assists a non-member gain improper entry to the pool could be subject to disciplinary action as follows:
First Offense: Payment of guest fees, suspension of membership for 5 days and written warning.
Second Offense: Payment of guest fees, suspension of membership for 5 days and revocation of guest privileges.
Third Offense: Non-refundable revocation of club membership.

Safety Regulations
1. No bottles, glass, ceramic, or otherwise breakable containers are permitted.
2. Flotation devices may be hazardous and are prohibited in the main and wading pools.
You may use a coast guard approved personal flotation device such as a puddle jumper or lifejacket for your child. Water wings are NOT permitted for use in the pool. The parent/guardian must be in the water within arm’s reach of their child at all times if the child has not passed the pool's swimming test and is in water over their shoulders.
3. Children age 13 and under will be tested annually for swimming ability classification and must wear a wristband while in the pool. This may be waived for children at least (5) five years of age who have passed the NHSC Advanced Swim Test if accompanied and supervised by a person at least 16 years old. Upon completion of this test, an identification wristband will then be issued by the management staff.
This test consists of:
swimming the given distance
treading water for one minute
exiting the pool via ladder
jumping into the pool straight, resurfacing and immediately entering a back float position for 10 seconds
swimming back to the wall and exiting without the ladder.
4. Members are responsible for the actions of their children and shall constantly observe and be near toddlers.
5. Children age 13 and under shall not be in water over their shoulders unless they have passed the pool’s swimming test. Lifeguards will test upon schedule/request.
6. The wading pool is limited to children under the age of seven or by permission the manager. Children in the wading pool must be supervised and continually observed by a close-by adult within the wading pool fenced area at all times.
7. The blue line around each pool designates a safety zone. Within this area, there may be NO chairs, furniture, nor other articles. Sitting or lying on the deck is not permitted within this area.
8. There shall be no running, pushing, or causing disturbances. Lifeguards have the authority to ask individuals to leave the area.
9. Organized games are allowed only with manager's permission. No running game, ball, or Frisbee playing is permitted within the fenced areas. Ball playing must be approved by the manager. Lawn darts are prohibited.
10. Toypedoes, noodles, noodle guns and Nerf-like products are not permitted in the main pool. Dive sticks, diving rings and small splash balls are permitted in the main pool. However, managers and lifeguards have the authority to ask members to stop using these pool toys if they determine member safety is compromised. In addition, they are authorized to confiscate any pool toy when a member does not comply with their instructions.
11. Scuba flippers, snorkels, goggles covering the nose and swimfins/mermaid tails are NOT permitted for use.
12. Plug-in electrical appliances are not allowed without the manager's permission. Music shall not be loud or disturb adjacent patrons. Please use earphones for personal devices.
13 Towels or clothing shall not be hung from fences.
14. Do not talk to or otherwise distract lifeguards while on guard stands.
15. Persons using volleyball court, sandboxes, or play equipment shall use foot rinse near the wading pool to remove sand when returning to the pool.
16. Lightning or thunder occurrences: The pool will be cleared immediately: 30 minutes for thunder and 45 minutes for lightning. If there are no further occurrences, the pool may re-open when the final timer has run out.
17. Canopies, tents, or other shade structures, except the provided table umbrellas, are not permitted on the pool deck. These are permitted in the grass area, assuming they are secured properly.

Diving Regulations
1. Diving is hazardous and may result in a serious injury or death. Do so at your own risk. Members shall have obtained proper instruction and training prior to diving. Flotation devices are hazardous when worn during diving and shall not be used in the diving well.
2. Dives shall be in a forward shallow direction only. No Back Dives Whatsoever-No Exceptions. Running, multiple bounces, or high diving off the board is prohibited.
The diving well depth is only nine (9) feet. USE SHALLOW DIVES. AVOID HITTING THE SLOPED POOL BOTTOM.
3. Do not dive or stand on the diving board if there are persons in the diving well. Only one person is permitted on the diving board or ladder at one time.
4. Do not dive from the three or four foot deep areas or from the sides of the diving well.
5. Children age 13 and under must pass the swim test, receive diving basic instruction, and wear the swim test bracelet to use the diving area.
6. Swimming in the diving well is permitted only by permission from the manager, after the diving board has been closed.
7. Backward dives and gainers are prohibited.

Health Regulations
1. Admission may be refused to anyone with open skin abrasions, sores, severe colds or coughs, inflamed eyes, infections, contagious diseases, or wearing bandages, or for other health reasons at the discretion of the manager.
2. Patrons shall shower prior to using the pool, especially after vigorous activity, or to wash off excessive sun products.
3. Children who have not outgrown the need for diapers (cloth or disposable) will not be allowed in either the main or wading pool unless wearing a clean cloth diaper and waterproof pants with TIGHT ELASTIC WAIST AND LEG OPENINGS or Swimsuit Diaper undergarments. “Swimmies” are acceptable.
4. Expectorating (spitting), blowing of nose, water spouting, or urinating in the pool is prohibited. No one shall take, throw, or admit any foreign substance into the pool or on the deck area. Eating and drinking in the pool and on the deck is prohibited within the pool safety zone (Blue Line).
5. In the water, only bathing suits shall be worn. Cutoffs or street clothes are prohibited. T-shirts may be worn for as a sunscreen at wearer's own risk of becoming entangled or otherwise impaired.
6. Smoking (including e-cigarettes) is not permitted anywhere within the chain link fenced-in area of the pool nor at the front entrance way and under canopy. Refer to designated smoking areas as posted on the pool bulletin board. Properly dispose of cigarettes, do not discard on the club grounds.

General Regulations
1. NHSC staff is not responsible for supervising children. This is the member's or guardian’s responsibility.
2. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ARE PROHIBITED: CAUTION: Participation in recreational activities, swimming, or diving may result in serious and injury or death while under the influence of alcohol. The club shall not be responsible for alcohol-use related injuries. Those observed consuming alcoholic beverages shall be asked to discard them immediately. Non-compliance may result in being expelled from the premises.
3. Members and guests shall clean up after themselves, remove trash from tables, pick-up around their area, and properly dispose of trash.
4. Loud, foul, profane, abusive, or disrespectful language will not be tolerated and is cause for dismissal from the premises.
5. Food and refreshments shall be consumed on the grass, at the pavilion area, or on the deck area at tables only.
6. Undue use of showers is discouraged due to limited well water supply.
7. Drive slowly and carefully at all times. Pedestrians have the right of way.
8. Only properly permitted vehicles are to park in the handicap parking spots.
9. Soliciting for personal profit is not permitted unless otherwise allowed by Board of Directors decision.
10. Baby-sitter memberships are available for use Monday through Friday. A fee is required. This membership can only be used in the absence of members and baby-sitter must accompany and supervise the children at all times.
11. SWIM LESSONS: Occasionally, due to bad weather, swim lessons may be canceled. If in doubt, call the pool 1/2-hour before lessons. No refunds are given due to poor weather. Classes may be given in a light rain or instruction held under cover.

Pool Manager - Lifeguards
1. Supervision of children is the responsibility of members/guardians, not the lifeguards nor staff. The pool manager and lifeguards are in complete charge of the facility. All persons are required to comply with the instructions of the staff. Those failing to do so will be asked to leave and may have their privileges suspended or membership revoked. The pool manager has the authority to expel persons from the pool for cause, or misconduct and to suspend privileges for up to one week. The Board of Directors may order revocation of all privileges or membership.
2. Do not debate regulations or policy with lifeguards who are required to enforce regulations, not make policy. Complaints, inquiries, or comments regarding regulations or staff performance should be directed to the manager or club vice-president.

Health Related Information & Concerns
1. CHEMICAL: Pool water may contain, but not limited to, the following Maryland State approved chemicals: Sodium hypochlorite (Available chlorine 3 to 10 PPM); Isocyanuric acid chlorine stabilizer (5-60 PPM); Calcium chloride (200-400 PPM); and other chemicals required or permitted by the Maryland State Health Department for public safety, pool sanitation, and water balance. Prolonged exposure to swimming pool water may cause skin or eye irritation, or be otherwise uncomfortable or harmful to some individuals. Patrons shall determine if exposure to pool water is harmful to them and shall limit pool use and exposure accordingly. Patrons are cautioned to take protective measures and prevent children from excessive exposure to pool water or to the sun, especially on a daily basis. Be alert to symptoms of skin irritation, sunburn, and limit your swimming pool usage as accordingly. Shower before and after pool use.
2. BIOLOGICAL: Although sanitizing agents are maintained in pool water at required levels, there can be a survival time for organisms, bacteria, or viruses. Exposure to pool water may result in infection therefrom. THE SWIM CLUB, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, OR ITS MANAGEMENT SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ILLNESS OR DISEASES CONTRACTED AT THE POOL.
3. SUN EXPOSURE: Be advised and cautioned: It has been established that exposure to the sun or repeated sunburn may result in health problems, possibly occurring many years after such exposure. Patrons are responsible to properly inform and protect themselves and their children, seek professional medical advice and treatment, use sunscreen lotions and other protective products or clothing, and limit exposure to the sun. Please shower to remove excess lotion prior to entering the pool.

Personal Property
1. The Club is not responsible for loss or damage to personal property. Lock your vehicles in the parking lot.
2. Abandoned or lost clothing, or personal articles not claimed within five days may be discarded. Mark towels, clothing, and property with your name to aid in timely return. Inventory your belongings before leaving the premises.
3. Folding chairs may be stored overnight in a designated area as determined by the pool manager. NHSC is NOT responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged items left at the pool.

NHSC Telephone
The office telephone is for information, membership, and business calls only
(410) 692-4662.
No personal calls to patrons will be accepted on this number.

The mission of the volunteer Board of Directors and employed staff is to provide a
wholesome, safe family environment and a recreational atmosphere for our members and guests. Every effort has been made to maintain a personal sensitivity to accommodate the needs and wishes of our members while providing fairness to all. Although certain regulations may seem restrictive to some, we hope that you will accept them in the spirit in which they have been developed by our board of directors. Safety is our first concern, without compromise. We ask that you oblige our trained young adult staff whose job it is to provide the safe and friendly atmosphere, which we have come to expect at North Harford Swim Club. If, for any reason, you are dissatisfied with the operation of the club, the staff, or have questions or suggestions, we welcome the opportunity to discuss them with you.
The Board of Directors extends their thanks in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

Statement of Policy
The mission of the volunteer Board of Directors, Operations Committee, and employed staff is to provide a wholesome, safe family environment and a recreational atmosphere for our members and guests. Every effort has been made to maintain a personal sensitivity to accommodate the needs and wishes of our members while providing fairness to all. Although certain regulations may seem restrictive to some, we hope that you will accept them in the spirit in which they have been developed by our board of directors. Safety is our first concern, without compromise. We ask that you oblige our trained young adult staff whose job it is to provide the safe and friendly atmosphere, which we have come to expect at North Harford Swim Club. If, for any reason, you are dissatisfied with the operation of the club, the staff, or have questions or suggestions, we welcome the opportunity to discuss them with you.